27 Okt Literature Reviews and Annotated Bibliographies – Research Essay Writing Tutorial
welcome to research refresher a serious video guides for students who need to brush up on the research writing I’m dr. gates Seeley warrants from Johnson C smith University writing studio in this lesson will cover literature reviews and annotated bibliographies at some point in your academic career you’ll have to write a literature review and or an annotated bibliography these are types of writing that are often confusing the students so an overview of what they are and how they work may be useful literature reviews and annotated bibliographies are what we might call academic genres they don’t exist anywhere but in the academic world in other words that doesn’t mean there are made-up assignment or some kind of fizzy work academic writers write them frequently most academic essays have a section that would be classified as literature review an annotated bibliographies are commonly used by researchers to help direct others research literature reviews also exists as a distinct publishable academic work too and they often go hand in the hand with annotated bibliographies when you see one you often see the other the purpose of boats literature reviews and annotated bibliographies is to provide a to other researchers a literature review helps other researchers get a handle on the most important aspects of a subject before they delve into it or help them find their way around the topics they don’t know well annotated bibliographies health researchers saves their valuable time by showing them what sources are about before they are start researching the literature review students often have a hard time distinguishing between the research paper and the literature review the key distinction is clarifying what the topic of your paper is in a research paper you do research on a topic and then write a paper on that topic using your research to support your discussion or argument in other words in a research paper the topic is the topic in a literature review you do research on a topic to learn what the researchers are doing and then write a paper on the research itself in other words in the literature review the research is the topic a literature review about the research on the physical demands of long distance running will be about the research and the researchers it will not be a paper about long distance running it’ll be a paper about what researchers say about long distance running literature reviews can be very broad for very specific they may cover for example everything written in the past year about first-year writing to use an example from my field or they may be about a particular area of study everything written about using iPads in the classroom for example a literature review will focus on general trends in the research for example most researchers in this area have chosen to use small sample Tripoli main areas of controversy for example there is still much disagreement about whether it’s the positive effects of iPad youth could be accomplished with a less expensive tool key cast or sides of a disagreement the two main antagonists on this point are those who see technology as an end in itself and those who simply see it as a means to an end or important gaps in the research the small sampling sciences and short time period means that there is no long-term information so we cannot know for certain whether positive effects last and increase if you have trouble understanding how its put together a literature review think of your sources as characters they each have their own personality conflicts and relationships the literature review tells the story of these characters the annotated bibliography literature reviews and annotated bibliography often go together and students often mistakes a literature review for and then pages bibliography and experience through this will often ranked the literature review as a series of summary without pulling out key relationships and disputes between the sources that however is an annotated bibliography add it simplest and annotated bibliography is a series of bibliographic entries and brief summary how those summaries are set up depends on the discipline and the purpose of the bibliography but in general I teach my students that there are four main jobs for the summary to do the annotated bibliography literature reviews and then the statistically agra fees often go together and students often mistake the literature review for an annotated bibliography inexperienced students will often write the literature review as a series of summaries without pulling out key relationships and disputes between the sources that however is an annotated bibliography as its simplest and annotated bibliography is a series of bibliographic entries and brief summaries the bibliographic entry is the easy part and it should be formatted in whatever citation style is appropriate to pay for your writing the contents of the summary will vary by discipline and purpose there is not a consistent standard besides being useful but in general I teach my students that there are four main job to the summary to do a summary may identify the source and the author state the main thesis summarize the key points and evaluate the usefulness or the quality of the source whatever the approach the point of the annotated bibliography should be usefulness to other researchers practicing scholars use them as a visibly ography is to direct other researchers to sources that are worth their time and helps other researchers keep from wasting their time on sources that aren’t about what they’re searching for literature review and annotated bibliography are commonly parts of your senior investigative papers so make sure you’re doing what is appropriate for your particular disciplinary area
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